Donate Any Amount For The Chat Widget

After through all the testing and searching for a new chat widget, I have come to a conclusion that nothing works better than ShoutMix. Hence, I poked around at the ShoutMix site and found out that a one year subscription for usage of the chat widget is only $20.00. That's for 12 months people and I do think that it's reasonable and it's probably worth it that we sort of chip-in to avoid the 60 posts per hour limit that ShoutMix has.

Please use the donation button above, and for other users who don't have Paypal you can contact me through my cellphone number or email. Remember that this is not a requirement and any amount will do and of course we will feature your name as one of the donors. I will surely be sponsoring some of the amount itself but I will not include my name in the donor list. Remember, "ANY" amount will do and if you feel like giving a lot of money, the extra will of course go to the fund for our Alma Matter or any other widget that can make the blogsite better..

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pitstop On The Way to the Grand Reunion (2006)

Pictures courtesy of Neil Quiambao. To get the full batch of pictures click here, or click the picture above.

This was held last December of 2006. If even a few people can produce smiles such as that then I couldn't see why a full batch reunion wouldn't work. Aside from Ramere who seems to exude a look saying "hey there big boy... how ya doing", I expect nothing from the debonair duscian who's all about the "Killer Moves".

1 comment:

  1. these pictures are from lee ann and lee ann's cam, so we owe her the cheers!
